Great Coding
Speaks For Itself

Green River Studio crafts websites that people talk about. We make you the business your competitors wish to be.
From cool looks that catch eyes to making it super easy for people to find you, we help you become the talk of the town.

Apple laptop opened in the middle of the night creating cool light atmosphere
Keyboard with clean keys
Abstract art of the web design layouts
Writing down the notes for web development client on the table notepad
Clean work environment with Apple computer saying 'do more' on large clear screen
Lightbulb in the hand during sunset
Really cool working environment with a laptop and additional screen on the back
Website layout sketch
Empty paper and pen showing beginning of website brainstorming
Pencil and colorful posts
VS code coding with laptop and additional big split screen
Laptop just being shut down after hard work
Late night coding with two monitors and small table light
Empty table with just keyboard and coffee and few items

We are a dedicated, agile team centered around Dominik LonĨar, an experienced designer and programmer of high-end web apps with a passion for solving problems and making projects people enjoy.

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